The Eucharistic Miracles of the World- An International Exhibition
Designed & Created by Carlo Acutis
The Servant of God

Dear St. Leo Parish Family, Friends and Neighbors,

We are pleased to announce that St. Leo Parish will be hosting a Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit in the Church Hall, January 11 through January 20, 2025.
In celebration of the opening of this Exhibit you are cordially invited to attend our 5 pm Mass on Saturday, January  11, presided by Bishop Frank Caggiano.
Also in the company of the Bishop will be a First Class Relic of Blessed Carlo Acutis. The relic will only be available for veneration at the conclusion of this 5 pm Mass. The Exhibit itself will be available for viewing on January 11, until 7 pm.

Who is Carlo Acutis?
Carlo is on his way to becoming a saint in 2025!
Blessed Carlo Acutis was a regular young boy who loved soccer,  played video games, and went to the movies with his friends. While living a relatively normal life, there was something truly remarkable about him. He possessed a deep love and devotion to Christ in the Eucharist. As the internet was gaining popularity in the early 2000s, over a span of two-and-a-half years, he documented 187 Eucharistic miracles. In October of 2006, in the midst of his research of Eucharistic Miracles, he was diagnosed with advanced leukemia. He died on October 12, 2006 at the age of 16.

What are the Eucharistic Miracles?
Since the early years of the Catholic Church people have been asking this question: ‘When Jesus blessed the bread and wine at the Last Supper while saying, “Take and eat, for This is my body; Take and drink, for this is my blood”did he really mean these words literally, or was it just a form of speech/ all meant to be symbolic?’
The Eucharistic Miracles provide scientific proof that Jesus literally meant what he said, the Eucharist is his body and blood.
Through modern scientific study of preserved, consecrated (blessed) hosts which have bled or have been changed into human tissue, we are able to say what Jesus’ blood type is, and that the tissue is the human, myocardial (heart) tissue of a severely suffering and dying man.
Other miracles in the Exhibit involve the lives of beloved saints and mystics of the Catholic Church, and even Our Blessed Mother.
To view the Eucharistic Miracles page go to:

Where can I learn more?
St. Leo Parish will be hosting the Eucharistic Miracles Exhibit in the Church Hall from January 11- 20, 2025!

But you can jump start your exploration of the Miracles now.
Go to: -miracles
This will take you to the Home Page of the Miracles.
Scroll to the bottom of the page where you will see,
“To get the latest from the Eucharistic Miracles Subscribe”.