St. Leo Fair

It’s that time of year again! The St. Leo Fair committee is well into preparations to make this year’s Fair the best ever. The Fair will be held Tuesday, August 27 – Saturday, August 31, 2024. It continues to be one of the largest events in the greater Stamford area. You, your family and friends can enjoy great rides, games and delicious food.

But we cannot do it without your active help!
There are three critical areas that we depend on our parishioners to participate in: Volunteers, Booth Sponsorships and Raffle Ticket Sales. Here are the details and how you can help.

Every year we tell you that Booth Sponsorship is the closest thing we have to insurance. More than once over the years, Booth Sponsorship has helped us to make up for lost revenue due to inclement weather. With a booth sponsorship you will receive a special sign in the booth of your choice. Depending on the sponsorship level, a special designation tag will be attached to your sign.

We hope many of our parishioners and supporters will consider a Golden Jubilee Sponsorship. With this level you will receive a special gold-colored booth sponsor sign and your name listed on a placard at both entrances to the Fair.

Here is the list of available booths you can place your sign:
  • Raffle (Main booth or second booth near entrance to Bingo)
  • Soda (Main booth between Pasta and All American or second booth near the Giant Slide)
  • Lion’s Den
  • Coffee (inside Lion’s Den)
  • Chill Out (slushies)
  • Pizza Fritta
  • Pasta San Leone
  • All American
  • Sausage Shack
  • Beer
  • Clams
  • Greek

Hard copy Booth Sponsorship Forms went out in the mail to all registered parishioners this week and you can find this year’s form at the link below.  Please complete the form and mail it to the rectory along with your check as soon as possible. For your convenience, you may also place your form and payment in the designated Fair Form Box in the vestibule. Early responses are appreciated!

Please note we cannot process credit card or Faith Direct payments for Booth Sponsorship, and we would ask that you send separate checks for Booth Sponsorship and Raffle payments.

Thank you for your continued support and generosity.

Once again, our parish raffle has two great prizes. We depend in large part on a successful raffle to ensure the success of our annual Parish Fair and we depend on the help of all our loyal parishioners. We hope that you will sell/purchase as many tickets as you can. If you did not pick up your tickets, please contact the parish office.
Each book of tickets contains 20 single tickets with a ticket price of $10.00 each. We ask you to please do your best to sell them all. Should you need additional tickets, they will be available at the rectory or at any weekend Mass.
You may return any tickets with your payment to the rectory or at any weekend Mass. Please note we cannot process credit card or Faith Direct payments for the raffle tickets.
The raffle drawing will take place at Saint Leo Roman Catholic Church
24 Roxbury Road, Stamford, CT 06902
Saturday, August 31, 2024 11 p.m.
Ticket holders need not be present to win. Prizes not redeemable for cash
and exclude alcoholic beverages
   One easily gets a sense of the “St. Leo Spirit” when they walk the fair to see the smiling faces of our volunteer parishioners. Your dedication is what makes our fair a great success. But we definitely need more help. There are a number of fair volunteer opportunities: fair setup, food booths, raffle and ticket sales, bingo support, food prep (peppers and onions), fair tear-down and more.
   Now is the time to schedule your volunteer availability for the fair. The easy to fill out form to select your support and availability can be found at the link below:
   Thank you for your support!


