Liturgical Ministry

New Liturgical Norms

Altar Servers: Boys and girls are encouraged to volunteer for this important ministry. Servers must be in grade 3 before beginning to serve. Scheduling to serve particular Masses is designed to accommodate the busy schedules of both servers and their parents. Training and installation of new servers will take place in the fall and spring of each year. For more information contact Br. Leonardo at

Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist help the priest in the distribution of Holy Communion to the Mass and to the sick and homebound.

February Schedule

March Schedule

April Schedule

Reader proclaims the scriptures at Mass and other services.

Ushers greet our parishioners as they enter the church, take the Sunday Offertory, and distribute bulletins after each Mass. They make sure those presenting the gifts are in attendance and that those who need individual attention at Communion time are taken care of.