“As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” 1 Peter 4:10
Get Involved with St. Leo
Our Parish is growing and evolving. We are called to get involved with our faith and parish and to develop our own spiritual lives. There are plentiful opportunities to get involved and contribute our time, gifts and talent to parish life at St. Leo. This provides an overview, with key people to contact for each ministry.
Key needs for the Parish now:
- Altar servers: Boys and girls in Grade 4+. Contact: Brother Stephen: altarservers@stleostamford.org
- Youth Group: Need more leadership help and Middle/High Schoolers to join. Contact: Fr. Luis: youthgroup@stleostamford.org
- Junior Choir: We are starting this choir for 2nd through 5th Contact: Daniel Hague: music@stleostamford.org
- Coffee and Donuts after 10am Mass: Need more set-up teams September-May. Contact: Gianna DiMartino: kittycat17@optonline.net
- Altar Society: Need help keeping our altar and church looking beautiful (about 2 hours on Friday mornings.) Contact: Cappy Kane: cappyk29@yahoo.com
Overview of Parish Ministries/Resources:
With the Eucharist and the Mass as the “source and summit of Christian life”, this essential area includes:
- Music ministry (Choir): Enhances the beauty and experience of our Liturgies. We need “a few good voices!” Contact: Daniel Hague: music@stleostamford.org
- Altar servers: Great way to get boys and girls Grade 4+ involved with the Church and the Mass. Contact: Brother Stephen: altarservers@stleostamford.org
- Lectors and Eucharistic Ministers: Proclaim the Word at Mass; help distribute the Eucharist at Mass and to those unable to attend. Appointed by the Pastor from those interested. Contact: liturgy@stleostamford.org
- Friends of Divine Mercy: A group of parishioners who meet regularly to build our faith community through prayer and discussion. Contact: Kathy Heslin: katemheslin@gmail.com
- Daily rosary: Immediately following the 8:30 Mass, Monday-Friday. Contact: Katie Arnau: kta123@icloud.com
- Men’s and women’s retreats: Periodic gatherings for prayer and reflection. Next women’s retreat: Saturday, December 7. Contact: Kathy Heslin: katemheslin@gmail.com
- Ushers/welcoming: Helps with hospitality and the collections. Contact: Matthew Kollar: Matthew.Kollar@ibm.com
- Altar Society: Helps clean and maintain altar and Church. Need: 2 hours of help on Friday mornings. Contact: Cappy Kane: cappyk29@yahoo.com
CATECHESIS/TEACHING: Contact: Eileen Towne, Director of Religious Education: etowne@stleostamford.org
- Children’s catechism (Religious Ed.): Helps students grade 1-8 acquire and deepen their Catholic faith and identity, including quality catechesis to students who attend private and public school.
- Sacramental Preparation: We administer the sacramental programs of Reconciliation, Holy Communion and Confirmation for all children of our parish.
- RCIA (Rite of Catholic Initiation for Adults): The process by which an adult becomes familiar with the Christian way of life, specifically in the Catholic tradition and becomes a full member of the Catholic Church. Contact: Kathy Heslin: katemheslin@gmail.com
- FORMED: Online platform with interesting and timely content on our Catholic faith for all ages—parents with toddlers, teens adults, seniors, etc. Access: Go to Formed.org, then click “FORMED for Parish”/”Find your parish subscription”/Type St. Leo Stamford, then enter name and email.
- Walking with Purpose: Women’s Bible study and discussion group. Contact: Bonnie Tuite: bonnietuite3@gmail.com
- Young Adult ministry: Crossroads 4 Christ—Gathers young adults (+/-18-39) to grow in faith and friendship centered in Jesus Christ. Contact: Gianna DiMartino: Gianna DiMartino: kittycat17@optonline.net
- Social Concerns Committee: Provides food, clothing, Christmas gifts and blood donations to various local organizations in need, including preparing and serving Thanksgiving Dinner at New Covenant Center. Contact: Carol Kennedy: cjkennedy@optonline.net
- Soup Kitchen (New Covenant Center): St. Leo provides and serves lunch twice a month. Contact: Sue Manning: StLeoReligiousEd@stleostamford.org
- Bereavement ministry: Helps people in grief after a loss of a loved one. Contact: Muffy Munger: gyffum@yahoo.com
- Youth Group: Fun and educational activities to experience the faith for Middle and High Schoolers. Need Youth Ambassador volunteers! Contact: Fr. Luis: youthgroup@stleostamford.org
- St. Leo Seniors: Gathers for coffee and conversation once a month in the Church hall. Contact: Judy Sarnelle: nsxsurgeon@aol.com
- St. Leo Hook and Needle Ministry: Meets every Tuesday 10-noon in Parish Hall classroom. Knitting and we teach also. Contact: Margarita Lodato: 203-912-0597
- Banquet committee: Plans and prepares special events and celebrations in the parish. Contact: Paul Tusch: ptusch@lawcts.com
- Coffee & Donuts after Mass: Help with planning and serving after the 10am Sunday Mass. Contact: Gianna DiMartino: kittycat17@optonline.net
COMMUNICATIONS AND EVANGELIZATION: Help communicate news and activities of our parish, via:
- Flocknote: Maintains and updates this parish communications platform. Content requests for Flocknote are first to be cleared through the parish office. Please submit the week beforecontent is to be included. Contact: Catherine Geggie: office@stleostamford.org
- Parish website: Keeps and updates parish information. Contact: Karen Bennett: KABennett@stleostamford.org
- Help showcase the parish by building, cooking and serving our community around our annual Parish Fair. Volunteers of all ages are needed. Contact: Steve Bedosky: bedosky@gmail.com
- “Angels on Wheels”: Provide occasional rides for our priests to/from area airports. Contact: office@stleostamford.org