Baptism: Baptisms are usually celebrated on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month at 1 pm. A pre-baptismal class is required. Please contact Eileen Towne, Director of Religious Education, to schedule class and Baptism.
First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion: Preparation for First Reconciliation and First Holy Communion is a two-year process that begins as a student enters their first year of Religious Education. In year two, students from both public and parochial schools join together for the immediate preparation for each sacrament.
Preparation involves the entire family: Weekly Mass attendance is required of all students in our Sacramental program. Parents/guardians are required to attend two parent meetings and the First Communion retreat. Students are also required to attend two retreats, one for Reconciliation and one for First Communion.
First Communion and Reconciliation Registration Forms
2025 First Communion and Reconciliation Calendar/Schedule
Confirmation: Students usually receive their Confirmation in the Fall. The Office of the Bishop schedules the date of Confirmation. For additional information or questions, please contact Eileen Towne, Director of Religious Education.
Confirmation Registration and Instructions
Marriage: Please contact the Parish Office at 203-322-1669 for scheduling. Arrangements should be made one year in advance.